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Section Two (Ch.2-4) Review: Key Concepts and Terms Crossword Puzzle (SP19)

This type of cell division forms gametes
One cell become three copies of the original. No copy card or coins needed!
Three layers of cells are produced. Life support system is developed. Organ systems form.
Begins with conception and ends when zygote attaches
Cervix dilates
Cervix is fully dilated and the amniotic sac begins releasing fluid
10% or more of women encounter this after the birth of their child. Let us all make sure we keep this as an open topic.
LearnSmart is due by 11:59 PM on this day every week
From two months until birth
Will later develop into the embryo
Musically-inclined parents pass on genes related to being musical, as well as a house filled with music, instruments, and music making.
Contains a clear fluid in which the embryo floats
Evaluates newborn at at one and five minutes after birth
The nucleus of each human cell contains these and is made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (say that word three times fast. SO fun!)
Coffee, wine, cigarettes,heroin, syphillis, toxic waste, mercury
Delivery of afterbirth
Birth of infant
Development = G x E
At birth babies have 100 billion of these
Promotes the organism's survival in a natural habitat
neural tube disorder that results in brain and spine abnormalities.
COMING SOON - "stomach and lungs"
Babies born three weeks or more early
A single cell, made up of 46 unpaired chromosomes is formed when the egg and sperm fuse